1. A strategic Plan for Education which contains a mission statement, strategic objectives, strategic policies, strategies (goals), and action plans will be developed by educators and community members as appropriate.
2. After review and input from the Governing Board, the Mission, Objectives, Policies, and Strategies of the Strategic Plan will be adopted at a regularly scheduled Governing Board meeting.
3. An annual update of the Strategic Plan will occur as warranted by internal or external conditions to ensure that the Strategic Plan is adjusted to reflect both current and future needs and mandates. The updated Plan must be adopted by the Governing Board at a regular meeting.
4. The Strategic Plan will be used by the Governing Board and Academy President or Management Company Representative as a guide for educational, financial, and managerial decision-making.
5. The Strategic Plan will be included in the Governing Board Policy handbook.
6. Under conditions of resource constraints, the President or Management Company Representative will be responsible for recommending priority goals from the Strategic Plan to the Governing Board.
Authority: 120.53; 230.22 FS
Implemented: 229.555; 229.58; 230.23; 236.02 FS
Reference: Palm Beach School District Policy 1.06
History: New: 7/01/2004; Revised: 7/07/2005